The Goalpost for September: Ask yourself a few questions

It’s Labor Day in the U.S. so we should take it easy today (wherever you are, go ahead and take it easy!). But it’s also September which for those of us in the northern hemisphere, means the end of summer and the beginning of another school year. It’s a hectic time and one filled with all kinds of emotions. Some of us are experiencing the empty nest for the first time (yup, that’s me) while others are happily sending the kiddies off to school for the day knowing they have some serious time to commit to goals. Others are feeling the tug of back-to-school even though they aren’t attending— it’s a conditioned response ingrained in us after all those years of new classrooms and shiny new school supplies. Whatever your situation may be this September, take a moment to reflect, look into the future you want, set some long-term goals and break them down into realistic tasks.

To that end, I’m providing a little questionnaire to get you thinking.

QUESTION GRAPHICWhat is one thing I can do to achieve my long-term goal?

How can I break it down into realistic short-term goals? Can I create a step-by-step plan?

Should I schedule my time for creating? Can I stick to the schedule?

What are obstacles to my goal? Are they external or internal? How can I eliminate obstacles or at least work around them?

How can I create accountability for tasks and goals?

How can I gauge my progress towards my goals?

Should I set a timeline for re-evaluating my goals?

How will I know I’ve achieved my goals?

How will I reward myself for achieving goals?

That’s a lot of questions but worth taking a few minutes to ponder. Write your answers down and refer to them from time to time. If you need clarification on some of these questions, check out past Goalposts on Sub It Club in the archive (menu bar above) or just click on “goals” in the sidebar “categories”. Last September’s Goalpost has some ideas to get you started (click here).

Good luck! What have you got planned for September? Comment here or if you’re part of the private Sub It Club Facebook group, tells us how you’re doing over there. If you’d like to join our Facebook group, send a request.

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